Admission Policy
The admission policy is an open one and a formal referral is not necessary. Children may be referred by the heads of schools, teachers, parents or doctors and are accepted throughout the academic year. These students are helped to attain a level best suited to their ability.
One of the main objectives of this policy is to transfer the child back to the mainstream school as and when abilities match. Children who are unable to rejoin a mainstream school are also helped to complete Secondary Examinations conducted by the National Institute of Open Schooling, Department of Education, Government of India.
Admission procedures include a detailed testing and observation period. The testing covers IQ, personality adjustment, inter-social relationships, aptitude, vocational preference and academic abilities.
Any child who satisfies the required criteria for our programme will be admitted, regardless of recommendation or monetary status.
Consulting Services for Schools and Parents
Saraswathi Kendra provides consulting services for several schools in Chennai and elsewhere in Tamilnadu and conducts workshops for professionals and school teachers on various aspects related to learning problems in children and how to cope with them. The parents of the students are also given professional advice to handle such learning disabilities effectively.
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