This is the most commonly diagnosed disturbance to learning in children of kindergarten and pre-school age. This condition drives teachers to distraction, parents to desperation and the child to destructiveness, if not dealt with correctly and at the opportune moment.
A.D.H.D. is a disorder characterized by three symptoms:
Hyperactivity Children are fidgety, always in motion on the go, like sputtering mustard seeds
Distractibility Difficulty in blocking out unnecessary stimuli
Impulsivity absence of the look before you leap habit - children are accident-prone, given to poor judgement and unnecessarily talkative. It is very often related to Learning Disabilities.
Causes of Hyperactivity
Current research suggests that A.D.H.D. is due to a deficiency in a specific neuro-transmitter in the lower area of the brain.
A hyperactive child is unable to filter out unnecessary external stimuli, is unable to prioritize stimuli and deal with one stimulus at a time, while compartmentalizing the others. This is the normal, almost unconscious way the human brain deals with multiple stimuli. The response pattern of a hyperactive child can be likened to a telephone switch-board with mixed-up connections.
Saraswathi Kendra offers the following facilities and programmes :
Basic Reading, Writing and Mathematics Programme
Alternate Schooling
Remedial and Parallel Education Programme
Dr. Dog - A pet therapy programme to help non-communicative children to speak/communicate
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